Monday, March 7, 2011

Suez Canal

Today the Suez Canal is currently controlled by Egypt and approximately 50 ships go through it each day. The Suez Canal connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea which is very important. This short cut saves operatetors time, distance, and money to use the canal. The Suez Canal is a very important short cut because it transports goods faster which helps keep our gas prices down.

Indians Rebel

The uprising in India seemed successful at first, but after a few years Britain took back almost all control again. The countries involved with this uprising were the British and India. It all started with the Britains disrespecting the Muslim and Hindu people in India. The Britains were capping the ends of the gun cartridges with pork and beef fat then biting it off to put in their guns. This was very disrespectful since the cow is sacred to Hindus and Muslims don't eat pork. Putting this fat in their mouth went against their religions. This led to the Sepoy Mutiny which was an oubreak of fierce fighting all over northern India. It took Britain more than a year to stop the revolt. This revolt was very successful because the India people didn't earn their freedom even after a year of fighting and revolting. Britian forced harsh and more direct rule over India.

Empire's Control

The empire was able to concurr a piece of land and rule it as their own colony as long as they proved that they were able to control that certain area. The empire would then ruled that country or region internally and be in complete control of everything that goes on in that colony. An example of such colony is Somaliland which was controlled by the French. The problem with colonies is that the people have no rights and lose their cultural background since they are forced into the parent countries ways. This caused more major wars and revolts in Africa.

The Positives and Negatives to Imperialism

There were positive and negatives effects to imperialism. One positive effect was the establishment of better transportation throughout countries such as the Suez Canal, railroads, and roads. Another positive was the advancement in science with such ideas as the Germ Theory which helped saved lives and brought better sanitation throughout the world. A last positive effect is trade from the foreign concurred lands such as spices from Asia.

The negative effects of imperialism are harsh on the countries that were concurred by Eurpoean nations.
Imperialism led to violence and revolts and even wars against the parent countries. Imperialism called for the concurred countries to basically give up their rights, culture and ways of life to harvest the raw materials for the parent countries. Also Imperialism weakend the state of the ruled countries economy due to only being able to trade and make what their parent countries needed.

Advancement in Science

One advancement in science during this time period was the Germ Ttheory. The Germ Theory was a theory made by Louis Pasteur in the mid 1800s. By examining the fermentation process of alcohol, he discovered that microscopic organisms called bacteria were the cause of it. He also discovered that bacteria can be killed by heat. This dicovery led Pasteur to the process of pasteurization which killed germs in liquids like milk. Pasteur soon realized that bacteria caused disease. The Germ Thoery led to more lives being in saved in the operating room and to better sanitation in the cities.


Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877. The phonograpgh was the first of its kind. It could create and reproduce sounds. This was quite a sensation to the public at first when it came out. This invention didn't really have an effect on the common people. The invention just allowed for the common people to record sounds and play it back later. The phonographs were still selling till about 1915 when Edison realized that they were not selling anymore due to the new invented Diamond Discs.


 By the end of the Industrial Revolution there started to be some problems and wanted changes among the working class. Because most of the jobs were in the city, people had to live in poor and unsanitary conditions which also caused an uprising and demand for change. With these wanted changes by the working class came the want for a voice in government so that their concerns could be heard and be takien into account.

 As countries industrialized and advancements in both technology and science came into play, Europeans looked expand to find raw materials for the products elsewhere. AS the markets in Eupoe grew competitive so did the rights for foreign lands for natural resources. Battles were fought in both Africa and Asia over the rights for the rich lands with natural resources.

  • What countries had the rights over Africa and Asia?
  • What new inventions helped spark economic growth?
  • What reforms were created to help the working class?